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Monday 2 January 2017

Armstrong Number C Code

Armstrong number is a number that is equal to the sum of the digits raised to the power of the number of digits. So for example:

371 = 3^3 + 7^3 + 1^3 = 27 + 343 + 1 = 371

There are other such numbers as well: 150, 370, 407, 8208, 1741725, etc.

According to Wikipedia Narcissistic Number or Armstrong Number is a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits. This definition depends on the base b of the number system used, e.g., b = 10 for the decimal system or b = 2 for the binary system.

C Code to check Armstrong Number:

/* Double-Click To Select Code */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h> 
int power(int, int);
void main()
   int n, sum = 0, temp, remainder, digits = 0;
   printf("Input an integer\n");
   scanf("%d", &n);
   temp = n;
   // Count number of digits
   while (temp != 0) {
      temp = temp/10;
   temp = n;
   while (temp != 0) {
      remainder = temp%10;
      sum = sum + power(remainder, digits);
      temp = temp/10;
   if (n == sum)
      printf("%d is an Armstrong number.\n", n);
      printf("%d is not an Armstrong number.\n", n);
int power(int n, int r) {
   int c, p = 1;
   for (c = 1; c <= r; c++) 
      p = p*n;
   return p;   


Armstrong Number C Code

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